Fat D's House Of Wax CD Review
Artist: Fat D CD: House Of Wax Download or Stream it Here for FREE:

1.Intro (skit)- What Happen to Jimmy! Intresting little skit, I like the rain sound FX and the beat in the backround.
2.House of Wax ft KillJoy- This intro sounds dope, Instrumental is Banging. I Like the way this track bounces back and forth, and still Rhymes off eachother, The Echo Sound FX and overdubs like the laughing are dope. My biggest gripe with this song, is that beat was so bad ass I wanted the song to be longer lol.
3.The Waxman ft KillJoy - This First Verse by Killjoy goes in, This beat is nice and strange at the time, "Don't walk your bitch unless she got a Flea Collar" lol Funny Line by Fat D, The breaks are cool and the Bounce offs are nice as well.
4.She Could Be Mine Too ft G Note and KillJoy - This beat is G lol Got some pimp shit popping off here, The Chorus is too queit, but I liked the way it bounces, and the harmony is nice, just needed to be louder. The beat box shit in the 2nd verse is dope. I like the outro & how Fat D sounds like hes on the phone.
5.Dollar Every Day ft KillJoy and Capital G - I love the Real song this beat is from, And this interpretaion of it is dope too. This is one of Fat D's Better verses on the CD, the bridge into the hook is nice. Capital G was a good choice for a feautre on this too.
6.Through and Through ft KillJoy and Dahm - Nice epic banging street beat, This song is kinda out there and muffled, It doesn't sound like it was recorded the best, or just has too many effects on the vocals. Dahm was a cool feature for this song.
7.Tryna Play 2 Hard ft Green Eyes, KillJoy, and Dahm - This song has a soft overtone on the beat, the samples are cool and mixed in nicely, but doesn't seem to match the vibe of the beat. This is probably my least favorite beat on the CD, The chorus isn't bad. I felt like these lyrics would of gone better over another beat that was more street like.
8.Im Nasty ft Teener T, Dahm, KillJoy, and Green Eyes - This beat is cool, This lyrics on this hook are funny and work well. That Great like Gatsby was a dope line, This song passes off pretty good between the diffent MCs, I do think the beginning of the song is a little quiet, and a few of the dubs were off. But song is dope.
9.A New Begining (skit) - Very Strange lol, I brought my 357 show me boy! He Killed my Son! lol Shit was funny.
10.Fatty Fiesta ft KillJoy and J Trees - This beat is kinda strange, and party like at the same time, This could be something people dance too, Overall the beat is cool. But I didn't like verses really on this one, alot of the vocals are different levels and not alot of complex lyrics. This is probably my least favorite song on the CD.
11.2 Puffs ft J Trees, KillJoy, and Dahm -The Intro sounded too forced like it wasn't real emotion, This beat is pretty slow, The verses aren't bad, but they don't really stand out. I did like the chorus, but it wasn't mixed very well. Fat D Sounds best on this track, The last verse sounds like it was written decent, but it just seemed too rushed and unprepared due to the time left before the last hook.
12.Hold Your Hand ft KillJoy - I like how this is kinda like a story telling track, kick back style cruise through cali type of beat. Fat D came off cool it fits his style, Killjoy did his thing too. I like the premise of this song, The beat punches were done really well. This is one of the better tracks on the CD, Id like to hear more of this style.
13.3D ft KillJoy - This beat got a dark trap feel to it, The chorus almost isn't audible in this, the words dont sound bad, but they are very hard to hear, and it also wasn't mixed very well, If mixed or recorded properly it probably would of been dope. Killjoy had a dope verse on this, Fat D did alright on this one too.
14.Still in the Hood ft KillJoy - Beat is slow building, Then comes off kinda trap like. Killjoys has some good doubles on this one, Wasn't really feeling this hook. The Beat Punches on Fat D's Sound like they didn't really fit, but his verse wasn't horrible, but didn't really fit the theme of the song I think.
15.Another Statue (skit) - I like this skit too, I like the tone and slow and clear pace that was spoken.
16.You Dont Really Know ft Teener T and KillJoy - This beat is kinda soft and mellow, The troll under the bridge line was hillarious, I think Fat D should of been less relaxed on this track, but his verse fit the theme perfectly. Teener's verse was Nice and really fit the theme too. I think killjoys verse was written good, but needed to be recorded with more emotion, to make it sound more believeable. Overall I dug this track.
17.Back in the Day ft KillJoy, J Trees, and Capital G - Very slow and mellow, The beat punch was nice, Some of the vocals are way quieter than others. The idea of this song was a good one, but I just don't think it delivered very well. Not bad, but not that great either.
18.How high is your price (skit) - Another strange skit, totally out there. I liked the way the beat changed towards the end of the skit, The beat is also cool.
19.Higher ft Capital G and KillJoy (bonus) - lol Interesting sample, it works well. I think Fat D sounded best on this song, He had the right vibe to match the beat.
Final Thoughts: For a Solo CD by Fat D, this sure had alot of Features and not 1 single solo track, I would of liked to see at least 1 Just of Fat D. This to me was basically more of a Group CD than a Solo one, Not that thats bad, I just would of personally Called it a group CD, instead of a Solo one. Kill joy was on almost every track, not that its bad, hes dope, Honestly he stood out on this CD alot. But next Fat D Solo CD I expect to hear at least 1 real solo song! Fat D is a super cool dude, with a good heart and you can hear it in his music. He has an interesting rhyming style, that is original as far as I know. At some times it will seem like hes off beat, but it always finds itself back to where it needs to be. But Don't let the small negatives detract you from listening to a good CD with lots of punchlines and dope ass beats. While "Fatty Fiesta" & "Tryna Play 2 Hard" were my Least Favorite songs on the record, while "The Wax Man", "House of Wax", "She Could be Mine too" & "Hold Your Hand" were the best songs on the CD. Fat D has multiple Videos online be sure to check them out on the Fattys House Records Youtube page here. I look foward to peeping more music by the homies at Fattys House soon, Stay tuned for our video "Not Too long Ago Dropping Jan 1st!"
Check out the homies at Fattys House Records The Forever Green Hustlers on some Cali style G Shit, "Time 2 Ride"