Team Baker 101 Mixtape Review

Artist: Team Baker (Kreative, Offtopik, Medicinal) Team Baker 101 Mixtape Check them out here:
Team Baker is a rap trio of young cats from the Inland Empire. I had heard about their music from my good homie B-Mune a few months back, and just recently met them in person, they seem like some really cool dudes and I am looking forward to getting into this review, so lets get started! 1.)We Be Smokin Ft DefSeven - Very kick back and slow instrumental, The hook is very basic but It works for what it is and I could see it working well with a crowd at a show, Vocals are a little loud, The flow pattern is nice on the first verse, but the emotion wasn't there, the switch off was cool but the vocal levels didnt match. 2nd Verse was cool, but the switch up at the end of it gets weird, I appreciate the idea of trying to change shit up, but it just didn't vibe well with the rest of the song. 2.)Time - Vocals are too quietly mixed, but sound recorded well, The way the overdubs is done is nice. The rhyme pattern on the first verse are on and off at times, but it still sounds aight, the 2nd verse is alot better written, and has a great rhyme pattern, The chorus is also cool and it goes with the beat well too.
3.)Love for Hip Hop - The intro was kinda weird, but once the flow comes in its business. Rhymes bounce nicely, a nice old school style, I really like the switch off on the chorus, it was done really well. Vocals are louder on 2nd verse than 1st and dubs are too loud too, The flow sounds cool, But the emotion on the 2nd verse needs a little more emphasis. Kinda wished the song had a 3rd verse where you guys bounced back and forth, but still cool jam here. 4.)Flowtotype - The name stands out as original right off the bat, I dig that. Nice little kick back beat, Offtopik going off crazy on this one. LOTS of cools metaphors and similes. Nice flow pattern, has an Old School style with a higher tempo. Only wished this song was longer, I was ready for another killer verse or 2, and a hook would of been nice too. But still good shit. 5.)Alcoholics - Party shit, Vocals are a little loud, I like this hook its something that would work at a show. Flow is something yo can bob ya head to. The First verse was my favorite. I liked the break in the beat after the 2nd verse. The other Verse were alright, The Song seems a bit long, I like how it goes out with the beat tho. 6.)Cool Shit - Very slow long build up, The Chorus is very basic, but it could work with the right crowd, it has a nice vibe. The Vocals sound poorly recorded on this one, I can hear background noises on certain parts of the song too, Lyrics ain't horrible, but nothing super stand outish, Compared to the other songs, this is the least cool. I like the way they bounce back on the song tho. Final Thoughts: Overall I liked this Mixtape, while it isnt of the highest quality, it has a lot of heart and shows a lot of potential. Team Baker is a cool lil' IE Group that I look forward to playing some shows with them in the near future. They are young, talented and full of passion. I expect to see them come out swinging and be established artist in a couple years if they put out a record for sale in the near future. The Mixing isn't the best on a lot of these songs, but its not garbage either. My Least Favorite song was "Cool Shit" Felt it was too basic, and not very lyrical, While My 2 Favorite songs were "Flowtotype" (Just Needed to be Longer), and "Love for Hip Hop" due to the way it bounced so well and the verses fed off eachother.