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J-Pegs Dirty Pepsi 2 Review

Artist: J-Pegs CD: Dirty Pepsi 2 Buy it here for Or Stream for Free!:

J-Pegs is a dedicated music fiend, An unstoppable force in the underground world. This kid works hard, and puts his passion into it. I Reviewed the original Dirty Pepsi and it was a pleaure to do so, You can check that review out here in the Archives as Well. So Without Further Adeu, I present to you Dirty Pepsi 2.

1.)Relapse - Cool Head bobbing beat, The flow is nice and picks up well, I wish the tone was a little harsher, but lyrically its dope. Nice Fades into the chorus. The 3rd verse was the weaker point of the song. 2.)New Job - Wasn't really feeling this one. The intro & beat was ok, kinda Video gameish. The Vocals on this one just don't seem to match the emotion in my opinion. Lyrically not bad, Its more of the way it was spit I guess that is a turn off. No Real Substance on the Chorus.

3.)My Girlfriend - This beat is like inspirational Trap lol Its very interesting, The Me and my Girlfriend on The beginning of this song to me Comes off as kind of annoying honestly, that first chorus/verse was not very good, but the 2nd verse was better, it wasn't super lyrical, but it had a real good melody and emotion in the way it was spit. If it started from 1:13 It would of been better I think. As the rest doesn't sound Bad although the beat seems to take a long time to fade.

4.)Baller Music - Slow, Fade away style instrumental. Nice Vibe. Vocals are quiet on this first part. I like the echo tho. Not my favorite shit, The beginning of the 2nd verse starts weak, but then picks up a little better. The 3rd part was the best. I wanna hear Pegs go more Savage in his attacks. Awaken the beast inside you Pegs, these lyrics arent bad, and the rhythym is good, but it needs more aggressiveness in the output vocally.

5.)Blood Moon - Castlevania like, Is this a reference to the game? I feel like he was overhyped on this ones first verse, while this beat was slow, lyrics are cool. The Flow was aight, The Tyson like was funny. End part sounds loud.

6.)Plugged - Beat is slow, makes me feel like i'm sipping, "The Same type of bitches that are kissing cousins", I lol'd, Song is aight, its a nice fade away song. Chorus is cool, I just don't like the Term Plugged, As it can also reference people putting pills in they booty lol I highly doubt that's what Pegs was talking about here, but Its like the word was already tainted to me before the song. Flows Decent.

7.)Leanin Feat. Mic Feelz - Interesting flow. Has a nice bounce to it. The 50 shades of grey style was funny, Lyrically I dug it, Chorus works, This is probably my favorite track on the record, This is my first time Hearing Mic Feelz, wasn't bad, I liked The Flow Style Pegs Used better, but they both still complimented eachother nicely. I was hoping to hear a third verse with just Pegs again going back to that style again to close it out. Also song had about 20 seconds of extra Silence at the end for some reason.

8.)My Night - This beat sounds similar to one of the ones previously, But It works. Has a good vibe. Even tho its super basic, the echo on the Chorus works Great on this one, The Way he hit the verse on this was great. I Dug this song, Nice head bobber. 2nd Verse sounds Different vocally than the first, I didn't dig it as much, the flow wasn't bad, just wasn't as strong as the 1st. Was hoping for a 3rd verse and an ending of a few times of the chorus.

9.)P.M.W. - This instrumental is interesting, has a lot of elements, some are real good, some out there, The Vocal in the beat is nice, the kill bill sound seems out there tho, The flow on this one was one of the weaker ones on the CD in my opinion, the whole song sounds like a Lil Wayne song, If you take that as a compliment more power to you lol The last verse sounds Better, but again sounds like a different style then the first. The Devil voice is ok, it works with the vocals that are in the beat which sounds churchish.

10.)Green Eggs & Ham - This Intro was hilarious, Probably my favorite intro by J-Pegs ever. Beat is aight, nothing special, Not a fan of this hook. But the idea that you took a song someone thought you had and made it, was Enough to make someone buy a CD, No joke, What you did was just some real ass shit.

11.)I Did It - Another Basic Hook, but it goes in, it works nicely. Cool track, 2nd verse seems loud, Kinda creepy beat. 3rd Verse was my favorite. Had some good puns, and a better flow.

12.)Grapes - Feat. Melo - Ha I notice th Jay Plus tag, Used a few of his beats before. I like the way the beat has skippy feel to it, Not a fan of the hook, but like the way the first verse was sort of telling a story. Melos verse was kinda draggy but wasn't bad. Song is ok, not one of my favorite but not bad.

13.)Paula Deen - Nice dark beat, Vocals sound loud on this one, Flow lyrically and pattern wise are dope, I feel the tone could of been harsher but again pattern and lyrically very nice. Not a fan of this hook tho but the Echo is cool, chorus just seems too generic, yet not catchy. 2nd Verse wasn't near as good as first, first had a way better pattern, and was a really good verse, 2nd was kinda mediocre, I was hoping for more of that same style in the first verse. 14.)Take Advantage Feat. Loose Logic - This beat is very nice, Very nice vibe, cool flow, I dig it. I like this chorus, Loose Logic was cool too, was hoping for a 3rd verse on this from J-pegs, but the fade out is nicely done.

15.)Venus or Mars - Beat is ok, not really my shit tho. Flow is alright, this song isn't bad, but it wasn't one that really stood out. The Flow patterns are good tho. I just don't see enough substance in the subject.

16.)State of Mind (Jruggie 2.5) - Laid back instrumental way out there tho, Chorus is ok, Flow is way different, its not bad, I wanna say I like it, but something in the tone has me torn. the way the beat changes in the middle ok is kinda weird. Had me kinda drifting off.

17.)Robin Williams - Very slow Beat, I continue to drift away, Intro seemed way to long No verse for a whole minute. This shit was way out there, At first The autotune makes it hard to understand, reminds me of Young thug shit, which is not good. Then it starts to get more clearer and starts to sound a little better. Still not one of the better tracks on the CD. Please Don't ever go out like Robin Williams.

18.)Lifes a Beach - Very Kickback relaxing beat, Vocals are a little loud, Flow isn't bad, Chorus is aight, Very laid back feeling, the humming along with the beat was funny, I like the quote in between verses.

19.)Refill - Sometimes I just back and Vibe out too lol This beat is all over the place, it has some nice and dark elements to it, The idea of this title was a Nice way to set up the close out and 2.5, Flows weren't bad, but Wasn't into the break down at the end of the first verse before the Chorus. Could be a decent party track. 20.)To Be Continued - Some really Funny metaphors / Bars on this one, beat is kinda out there in space, I Dig the flow. Chorus is generic tho wasn't really feeling that, The Verses are nice tho, Song gives some background into J-Pegs. Its an ok song to close out to.

Final Thoughts: J-Pegs has really worked on patterns this CD, I notice a lot of improvement from The First Dirty Pepsi, He has a good flow style similar to like Kendrick Lamar, this is Sip Music, And with that Leanin Feat. Mic Feelz, Was one of my favorite tracks on this as well as My Night, Take Advantage And I Did it. While P.M.W., Robin Williams & New Job, Were my least favorite. Overall Good J-Pegs I dig it. I still see quite a few of generic hooks, However there were a few new ones that really worked, and some of the hooks weren't so generic and also worked. J-Pegs Is a beast who's been in hiding and finally is starting to step into his real skin.If you wanna go check it out, Links at the top, I suggest you do, as J-Pegs is very underrated, I'm Looking Forward to Reviewing Dirty Pepsi 2.5 Next!

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