Lost Ninjas - Cerberus Review

Artist: Lost Ninjas CD: Cerberus Buy it Here for Only $5 You Stingy Fuck: http://lostninjas.bandcamp.com/
The Lost Ninjas are a Horrorcore Trio (Joke, Riffik, & Nek) out of Texas with a decent style and flow pattern, and mic presence. Today we Are reviewing their latest CD Cerberus. A Journey into the mind of the mythological 3 headed dog from hell.
1.) Head of the Wicked / Gates of Cerberus - The CD starts off with a Demonic sounding intro, Goes into a creepy dope lil beat. The flow is good, the tones are dark, Not a fan of the hook it just seemed way over the top from what the verse was, I can see what they were trying to do, and the idea was good, but the hook just didn't come out executed perfect mostly due to the way the demonic voice sounds, The break in the 2nd verse was dope.
3.) White Serpent - Lol I remember this Beat, I actually rapped over it, maybe 10 years ago, that said I still dig the beat. It Fits dark themes nicely. So it works here as well. First Mc's Flow is decent, But I kind of wish the first MC came more aggressively, I like the way the chorus changes back and forth but the levels don't sound even. The 2nd MC had a lot more aggression. 3rd MC's verse was ok, but was probably the weakest on the song.
4.) Blood and Lust - Nice slow Melodic intro, into More of a street style instrumental, The Instrumental choice on this one, just didn't feel dark enough to match the lyrics, the flow to the beat wasn't bad, Just the emotion of the song didn't seem to match the instrumental to me, The 2nd Verse on this Sounded the Best.
5.) Head of Comedic Lunacy (Skit) - A Dark skit, very reminiscent of an ICP style intro, Introducing the Humor of the CD.
6.) Temple of Gluttony - Dark Horrorcore track, Beat is decent and flowing compliments the instrumental decently as well. Not a stand out track but it was definitely different, I liked the way the 2nd verse ended, The premise of the song was original, I liked the first part of the hook, and the way it breaks down at the end.
7.) Dying Junkie Bitch - Has a nice Sample from House of 1000 Corpse's to open the track that fits it well, The beat is nice, and the First verse comes off dope on it. The Breakdown was cool. Goes into the hook nicely as well, The styles go to well decently on this one, The other verses are decent, but the first verse killed it. Ends with another House of 1000 Corpse's Quote works nicely.
8.) Miss imaginary - More upbeat instrumental, with a hook that reminds me of some off the wall style hip hop. Really makes you think they are crazy lol The idea was funny. The Palm just grew a face line was funny, I dug the first Verse, I like how the 2nd verse answered back to the first verse, but overall the verse was not as powerful as the 1st. The skit at the End was Funny.
9.) Loveable, Huggable, Grave Robbaz - Cool little back and forth intro, slow street style instrumental, It has some nice elements to it, but its just a little too slow for my taste, I wasn't really feeling this one much, Not as lyrical, the idea was ok I guess, but it just didn't seem executed as well as the rest of the CD, it just seemed a little off compared to the rest of the record.
10.) Head of the Raw (Skit) - Another dark skit, To introduce the raw portion of the album, very horrorcoreish.
11.) Social Anxiety - Very slow building Melodic instrumental, This changed the tone and emotion of the whole record this song went in a total different direction, This is some more relatable stuff to the average listener, I like that this was more towards the end of the CD as it really slows down the momentum of the CD, however the song isn't bad its just much different from the previous tracks both style and mood wise. I do like how it stopped and then came back in for the hook again.
12.) Stoner for Life - Who doesn't love a Weed track? Lost Ninjas put out a decent one here, Beat Bangs and Bounces nicely, I like how the verses bounces back and forth as well. Only bad thing is the one dude shouts 2012 at the end and the release date was 2015 for the CD, I as many other rappers have as well been guilty of this in the past lol.
13.) Angels - A Nice Dark Sample, to show that angels aren't such nice things as we expect or see in the fairy tales painted before us.
14.) Murdah Music - Very heavy deep dark instrumental, Nice dark verse opens it up, kinda gangsta horrorcore, I dig it. Part of the chorus gets pretty loud, as does the 2nd verse, but overall it fits. Track was way too short tho, Beat fades out for awhile but that isn't a bad thing as the beat is dope.
15.) Excorcism - Lovely Satan Speech, but it gets VERY loud at points especially when it sez NONE!!!! and DARKNESS!!! lol Overall tho its a Great rant to end the CD with.
Final Thoughts:
Decent Flows, not the deepest shit lyrically, but dark and cool for sure. The Idea have having 3 skits was cool and a nice break between the music, the idea that 2 of them introduced the other 2 heads was a cool idea. Lost Ninjas Sounds great together as a group, their voices compliment each other well, Stand out tracks for me on the record were "Blood and Lust" & "Dying Junkie Bitch" for the best tracks on the records and "Miss Imaginary" for the best idea. While "Loveable, Huggable, Grave Robbaz" was probably the weakest track on the CD. This was my first time Hearing Lost Ninjas, they got a few good things going for them, and have some Potential to do something bigger, I look forward to seeing them improve on their next record.