J-Pegs "Dirty Pepsi" CD Review

Artist: J-Pegs CD: Dirty Pepsi Buy it here for Or Stream for Free! https://j-pegs.bandcamp.com/album/dirty-pepsi A brand new EP/mixtape from J-Pegs the Legend. Designed specifically for those special moments of levitation, if you will.
Executive produced by MilesG2G Released January 16, 2016
J-Pegs is an independent artist who you can tell truly loves music. This dude reminds me alot of myself when I ran Wikid Funk Records, he constantly is dropping new material in an epic quest to master his craft. I don't know anyone dropping records this fast right now. His hustle is on point and I'm excited to get into this review, right off the bat the cover looks like purple rain. No, Not Prince lol. Looks like some ol' Purple drank if it was in a resivoir tank and it exploded lol In other words it looks dope. Lets get into the music.
1.)Dirty Pepsi - Like the message in the intro, Make it til you die Brother. Nice little groove. The flow is dope, Some cool lil bars. The only thing I didn't like was the tones on parts of the vocals. But its a Dope Track. One of the Best on Here.
2.)Stop & Go - Cool lil beat. I like the idea of stop and go, no hook let. the beat ride, fits the title perfect, Got some cool bars here too. Cool Track here all around. One of the Best on here.
3.)Purple Power - Not a huge fan of the autotune, but it was a good change up in style from the previous songs, lyrically nice and the beat was cool too.
4.)DatPiff - Slow Groove, works nicely. Beat is kinda Quiet, Wasn't a fan of this hook. I like the vocal tones used in this one, While the 2nd verse is alot better then the first, lyrically its not one of the top tracks on here.
5.)Activist - Cool Crazy beat, Vocals are kinda quiet on this one. Flow is good. Ballin like a pokemon was a funny bar. Theres one part where the dub was as loud as the verse on the hook or repeated part, that sounded really dope.
6.)Little Boy - Slow piano, Melodic instrumental. Didn't like this hook. But flow was cool on the verses. Not one of my favorites but not bad.
7.)High Standards - Intro had some good points, Chorus wasn't bad even tho it was kinda basic. I didn't like the flow on this one, this is probably one of my least favorite tracks on the record.
8.)Tyson in the '80s - Didn't like the hook on this one, Good Doubles on the first verse, the flow is cool on the verses. The song feels like it shoulda been more hyped, I could see someone like Stitches doing this hook lol (Don't kill me J-Pegs lol) I'm just saying I think the hook needed to be hyphy as fuck on this one.
9.)Vivid - Soft, slow Melodic Beat. Flow at the start kinda reminds me of Mystical kinda punchy. Then the ther flow came in and was way different, its not bad, but I was kinda hoping he was gunna go off punchy like the intro. I Did like this hook, Think it also needed just a tad more energy. That punchy mystical style sounds dope.
10.)996 Grams - Too many yeah yeah or whatever in the intro lol, I like the emotion on this one, the flow pattern is cool. The Yell was kinda clipping, Hook doesn't stand out enough, The Emotion on the verses is real, this is the passion I seek, If J-Pegs can Harness this energy, it will really help him establish himself more.
11.)Serve it to Me - One of my least favorite instrumentals on the CD, kinda too soft, Flow works good to it tho, some cool bars, Hook is kinda Basic tho But the Echos are cool. 12.)Cups Up - Trippy Beat, a touch of strangeness, magic and darkness. One of my least favorite tracks on the record, mostly due to the flow and the way I feel it doesnt vibe with the beat well, However This is the first time I heard Autotune J-pegs used and Actually liked it, The autotune worked on this hook. Outro is cool.
13.)Dirty Jerz - Beat is cool reminds me of some ol Gauntlet from Arcade/NES days. Dark and dope. Flow Compliments it good. First Verse kills 2nd Verse, Didn't feel the hook tho.
14.)Money to be Made - Castlevania style beat lol Sounds cool. Flow is cool, but emotion is light on this on, except where he said "we had to take it" the first time he really belted out the emotion. "All I want is it all, Dont act like you don't" Great bar. "If you really wanna play me like a gameboy" that shit was hot.
15.)The Party After the Afterparty - Another Dark Classic beat kinda Castlevania like too, very dope. I like the Flow pattern, but think this also need heavy emotion especially as slow as the beat is. The Idea was good, but Not executed to its full potential.
16.)Will I Survive (feat. Kilo) - Fast and furious opening flow, very nice. I Like this hook, It was something different compared to the rest of the record. It was very refreshing. A Stand out on the record for sure.
17.)Nights Like Tonight - Didn't like the Autotune again here, The beat reminds me of the spot of action in kill bill. Good expression of emotion on the verses. Flow is good too. Nice way to set up the close of the record.
18.)Why Must it be This Way - I like the idea of this song, the lyrics, and the sound effect on vocals, the beat is super slow but it works, my biggest issue with this is this, is it's probably the most true to J-Pegs himself And I feel this needed a lot more emotion on the Verses, to truly have the listener feel the artist personally, Hook is OK, but would of been better without the Autotune again.
Final Thoughts: Dirty Pepsi was a great choice of a name for this cd as it was a Refreshment compared to previous CDs, Jeff Pegs made alot of improvements here compared to my last review of "Year Of a G" and is coming along well as a balanced MC, He has a lot of funny bars, a good flow and is lyrically dope, his only real weak points are too many generic hooks, and the other is tones on the vocals, and using tones to show expression sometimes, on the other hand 996 Grams is a Good example of Some of good expression, other than that he's on roll smashing through walls like a juggernaught dropping shit like birds in the sky splat in your face. I Also like how Miles has change styles up on this album beat wise compared to "Year of A G" While there are alot of trap inspired beats, there is a Lot more Different styles and it works well. The Best tracks were "Dirty Pepsi" & "Stop and Go", "High Standards" and "Cups Up" the weaker points were. If you wanna go check it out, Links at the top, I suggest you do, as J-Pegs is very underrated, I'm Looking Forward to peeping his next CD.